Hello all! I hope you're okay... I find it really hard to find the right words in these unprecedented times. I hope you're safe and so are you're loved ones.
I've had this documentary in the making and it was finished a while back and I was never sure when and how to release it, so I thought now might be a good time. Simply something to share. Something to give to you. A little something from 'before', already done, with a lot of love from a lot of people. I hope you will enjoy it! I had an abosutely wonderful time shooting it. My album was finished, I knew it was going to come out on a label I trusted. I had the chance to sing and work with best musicians I so admire as people and artists. I am honored to call the wonderful people in this video my friends and colleagues and am forever grateful for their contribution.
Thank you to everyone who was involved making this little doc and for sharing your time and talent with me.
The video will premiere at 3pm UK time!
Thank you for being here and watching.