I am so pleased to announce this new release today!!! This is a MUST LISTEN!
Roomful of Teeth, the incredible vocal ensemble who I had the honor to record with for my latest album '3', are releasing their version of my song 'Fall Into Me' today via New Amsterdam! Find it HERE!
'Fall into Me' is a song born out of resonance. I struck a low C octave on my piano to write it and the resonance of my over 100 years old upright piano showed me the way, into the blue.
The song then deeply resonated with an audience across the globe. A deep longing to understand, to explain, or grasp the unknown darkness in each of our souls, the deep pain that can live in a person and how and if it finds a way out, and which way that will be.
To now hear this song in the space of the TANK, sung by the most incredible singers I admire so much is an experience out of this world. It is as if I sang into the depth of the universe and I received an echo back, a message, a melody that once came from me and now is being reflected back to me. Traveling far out, through me, and back to my ears and my heart. I am stupendously grateful for the experiences this song has brought to me and in awe of what Roomful of Teeth, and namely the arranger for this version Dashon Burton, have transformed it into - and grateful for their gift of this encore.
Dashon Burton, arranger of the piece, says:
“I found this piece late one night in a customary glut of television, at the very end of Charlie Brooker’s dystopian science fiction TV anthology Black Mirror,” says Burton. “Through the haze of a sleep-laden mind, I heard a voice, carrying the echoes of the past in a direct line through the timeline of the far future.”
Burton then contacted Lenz, a Teeth fan, who encouraged him to arrange “Fall Into Me” for the band. “I knew it would shine a light on Martha Cluver’s eternally warm soprano,” says Burton.
But there’s an inconspicuous player in this recording. Over time, The Tank’s floor bowed, creating unprecedented acoustic resonance, and giving “Fall Into Me” a ghostly quality.
“I knew it would be perfect for Roomful of Teeth,” says Dashon Burton. “We always wish to send the benumbed ears and minds of our audiences gracefully into the welcoming night.”
Want more Teeth!? Head to Patreon!
Dashon and me will chat tomorrow on YouTube , tune in then or at a later point as it will live on YouTube after!