
  • 2022-03-09

    Collaborations Break the Ice

    Hi all!
    Last week, Against The Ice was released on Netlfix and you can hear my vocals on it. I have worked with Volker quite a bit over the recent years and recently made a little playlist called Collaborations make the Heart Grow Fonder to collect some of the work - with Volker and more wonderful colleagues. Enjoy!

  • 2022-02-04

    Excuse The Mess Release (get for BandCamp Friday?!)

    And right away starting with (a) new tune(s). Well, technically this isn't new, this piece of music …
  • 2022-02-01

    Happy New Lunar (And Solar) Year!

    Welcome into 2022 and the year of the Tiger. May we all experience some ease this year, some relief and joy.

    Would you like to watch some music back from Krakow Film Music Festival? This was my very first trip abraod since 2020 and my first concert (in the audience ;)) - it wasn't unitl November 2021 until I was singing on stage again - with lots of people! A first social gathering, a treal reat for the soul. I wish for more of this again.

    You can watch the wonderful Suite from Black Mirror (written by Martin Phipps of course) which includes a rendition of my song "Fall Into me" too for a free and easy sign up here. Enjoy!

  • On a blue background a graphic of 3 overlapping opaque circles sits in the centre. In the middle of the circles the background changes to red - like a flame. Above the graphic is black text reads: ‘Brian Spooner, Winner’ . Below the graphic also in black reads: ‘Dorothy Shrödinger, runner up’ (to the left) Thibault Quillet, runner up’ (to the right)


    We have a WINNER for the SPARK competition!

    Thank you so much Brian for your entry and inspiring piece! Hainbach and I had a long evening of listening and picked a winner and two runner ups. The winning track is already up, as part of the prize, on the Spitfire Audio Product Page of my Library! to have a listen, click read more ;)

  • 2021-09-28

    Spark - Library Competition!

    To celebrate the 2 year anniversary of my album ‘3’ SA are launching a brand new library competition series! The first edition of the competition is entitled ‘Spark’, a name inspired by one of my library patches ‘Longing For Your Spark’. Head to for all the information you'll need to enter!

  • 2021-09-27

    Happy 2nd Birthday '3' !

  • 2021-09-23

    Anniversary Playlist!

    In celebration of the two year anniversary of ‘𝟑’ album and the sample library next Monday I have curated a playlist full of music that inspired the record and my production and writing style in general!
    Please check out the 𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑! playlist here.

  • 2021-08-25

    Krakow Film Music Festival

    I am delighted to tell you that my song 'Fall Into Me' will be played at the Krakòw Film Music …
  • 2021-07-18

    Summer break

    Gone Fishing - check back September. xx flower illustration: Alev Lenz